disciplined_daytrader's CRTD Trade -26.71

Trade Detail

disciplined_daytrader's CRTD Trade -26.71

Trade Details


Oct. 23, 2021, 12:29 p.m.



Day Trading: Small Caps & Large Caps,


TD Ameritrade




CRTD - View rating





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Entry CPU Exit CPU Fees Max Amount Max Cost P&L % P&L $ P&L With Fees
9.34 8.2718 0.0 25.0 233.5 -11.44% -26.71 -26.71

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Coming soon: Multi-time range selection, additional charts, custom settings, forex/crypto and more! Unlock with fasttrack.


the loss that killed the day. All god damn day im up and down 1-4% but this put the nail in the coffin. pretty sad that on an amazing trading day I am the idiot who hit his max loss BUT I take comfort in knowing that I busted my ass all summer to trade basically nothing when most of the people who made money yesterday were noobs who did not trade all summmer and decided to yolo. I want consistent strategic profits which sadly will almost always be smaller than these yoloers but I will have 100 million dolllars when i retire and they will be gambling their entire IRA until death. Congrats to those people I think its awesome to make all that money but tread lightly because if you continue to trade for the next 2 months cuz u think trading is easy.....Ill happily take alll ur money. I know exaclty what im doing and i know how to slowly bleed you dry. better take those profits and run unless u want to spend ur life watching the market because I WILL SPEND 60 HOURS A WEEK WATCHING THIS MARKET UNTIL I DIE AND YOU WILL NEVER BEAT ME. goodluck tho <3


Date Side Amount Price Commission Reg Fee
Oct. 22, 2021 09:56:43 Entry 25.0 9.34 0.0 0.0
Oct. 22, 2021 09:56:55 Exit 25.0 8.2718 0.0 0.0

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